YEDC approves several grants


By Clayton Kelley

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    City of Yoakum logo

The Yoakum Economic Development Corporation approved the allocation of several grants at the March 18 meeting.

One of the grants was for Varela’s Best. The Varelas applied for a YEDC Small Business Improvement Grant in April of 2023. The $10,000 grant funds, unanimously awarded by the Board, served as a reimbursement match. The project was completed in early March 2024.

“The original application was to help Varela’s Best assist in building the drive through window facility, specifically the road,” YEDC President Layne Brandt said.

The next grant was a Downtown Business District Revitalization Grant and went towards SAK Construction and Granite. It is in the amount of $250,000 and a 50% match.

“This is for SAK to expand their business to a new location,” YEDC Executive Director Genora Young said. “They have way outgrown their office space. With this expansion, they are looking at building a showroom which will also allow them the ability to have retail sales.”

The new building will be located across the street from Carl and Mary Welhausen Library

“This will improve the aesthetics of that area,” Brandt said. “They will make it into usable space that SAK will use. It will triple their facility.”

The grant is part of YEDC’s strategic plan including primary jobs, sales tax generations, improving aesthetics, and promoting new and expanded business development.

A Community Improvement Matching Funds Grant was allocated towards the Yoakum Memorial Cemetery Association. The grant will not exceed $10,000. This will be used for the building of new fencing around the area.