
Memorial to the 32 men from Gonzales who died at the Alamo. It is located on Alamo grounds - Photo by Murray Montgomery

Memorial to the 32 men from Gonzales who died at the Alamo. It is located on Alamo grounds - Photo by Murray Montgomery

Gonzales celebrates ‘Come & Take It’


By Murray Montgomery

Staff Writer

Once again the City of Gonzales is getting ready for its annual “Come and Take It” celebration.

Santa Anna – image courtesy of San Jacinto Museum of History.

Santa Anna – image courtesy of San Jacinto Museum of History.

Eyewitness to the Battle of the Alamo


I've always believed that when you try to acquire information about events that happened years ago; the best thing to do is look for eyewitness accou

Painting, Erastus [Deaf] Smith by T. Jefferson Wright. Courtesy of the San Jacinto Museum of History.

Painting, Erastus [Deaf] Smith by T. Jefferson Wright. Courtesy of the San Jacinto Museum of History.

Deaf Smith - Eyes of the Texas Army


During those dark days of the Texas Revolution, many men came forward and represented themselves well in the war with Mexico.