Henry Joe Jasek's "Town Crier"


Weekly Social Column - Special to The Moulton Eagle newspaper. Moulton, Texas.

  • Henry Joe Jasek

    Henry Joe Jasek

    Henry Joe Jasek

Town Crier…

By Henry Joe Jasek

Snow Storm blankets Moulton in 1949

   Some of the older folks in Moulton may remember the snowstorm of 1949 — 75 years ago. Snow began falling in the early night of Saturday, Jan. 29, and continued and continued on Sunday, Jan. 30, 1949. I was only 11 years of age and I don’t remember exactly how many inches of snow fell, but the temperature dropped down to zero on Sunday.

   Utility wires were heavily covered with ice and icicles measuring as long as two feet hung from the wires. Water in the creeks and stock ponds froze to about 2-3 inches. I remember when my Dad and I went to the creek to try to break the ice so the cattle would have water to drink. Since the sub-freezing lasted for several days, some of the snow in the shade stayed on the ground until the next weekend. When the snow finally melted it was dangerous to walk under the wires for fear of being struck by an icicle or a large piece of ice. 

Altar Society Noodle 
Soup Dinner – Feb. 25

Donations toward the dinner are accepted and appreciated. Raffle tickets for prizes to be given away at the Annual Noodle Soup Dinner may be purchased from Altar Society members, at local businesses or at the Parish Office. Proceeds are used to purchase the hosts, altar wines, oil for the candles, altar linens, vestments, and other items needed for the Liturgical celebrations. The Altar Society also provides altar flowers when needed and monetary support for Church projects and programs.  Make plans to come out and support the ladies. They do so much for the Parish.  

Story of the Oatmeal Cookies 

My nephew, Dennis Migl, texted me and said to tell the story of the oatmeal cookies. Well, this goes back to the time when Dennis was a little boy. He was my first and oldest nephew. He often stayed overnight at our house in the Novohrad community.  He would sleep upstairs with my sister, Angie, and me. Before he went to sleep he would always want some oatmeal cookies. We had him so spoiled that he would not fall asleep if we did not let him have a cookie or two. 

South Texas Wheel Spinners and Crank 
Twisters Antique Club to meet on Feb. 2

The South Texas Wheel Spinners & Crank Twisters Antique Farm Equipment Club will hold their annual business meeting this Friday, Feb. 2 at 7:30 p.m. at the Moravia Store. 
All current members and anyone interested in joining the club are encouraged to attend. 

Catherine T. Wenske is Distinguished Student at Texas A&M

Catherine T. Wenske, a Biomedical Sciences major, was designated as a Distinguished Student for the Fall 2023 semester at Texas A&M College Station. Students who complete 15 credit hours with a GPA between 3.5 and 3.74 achieve this award. Dr. Mark Zoran, Dean of the College of the Arts and Sciences, congratulated Catherine and all on the list and wished them continued success in their academic endeavors. Catherine is the daughter of Pat and Mary Ann Wenske of Moulton and is a 2022 graduate of the Sam and Will Moore Institute in Moulton.