
Alberto brings soaking rain


By Larry Rothbauer


Moisture associated with Tropical Storm Alberto brought several inches of soaking rain last week.

Combining a deep tropical moisture supply in the gulf, the low pressure system dumped a three day amount of 2.99 inches officially.

The rainfall started early morning June 19th and continued through the evening hours. Slow soaking rains turned to heavier showers in the afternoon when the bulk of the precip fell for a one day amount of 2.54 inches.

The area was under a tornado watch Thursday along with flooding watches.

June has now received 4.05 inches which boosted the year’s total to 26.86 inches.

Surrounding towns including Yoakum, Shiner and Moulton received at least two inches to help put a damper on the beginnings of a drought locally.

Winds from the system were steady at 15 mph with several gusts reaching 25 mph.

No major damage was reported in the county.