
Greenwell unseats Harmon for Sheriff


Louderback wins representative run-off

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Lavaca County Republican Party voters went to the polls Tuesday, May 28 and selected a new sheriff in town with challenger Steven Greenwell defeating long-time County Sheriff Micah Harmon.

Greenwell dominated the voting getting 2,486 (66.28%) of the votes, while Harmon collected 1,265 (33.72%) of the votes.

Due to the Democrat Party having no candidate to oppose Greenwell, he will take over as the Lavaca County Sheriff in 2025.

Harmon has served as County Sheriff for 20 years and was seeking his sixth term.

In the race for State representative District 30, A. J. Louderback garnered 55.04% of the district votes to beat Jeff Bauknight, who picked up 44.96% of the votes.

Lavaca County also favored Louderback with 54.90% of the votes to Bauknight’s 45.10%.

Besides Lavaca County voting for Louderback, the other counties in the district going for Louderback were DeWitt (68.14%), Jackson (61.56%) and Matagorda (67.52%).

The district counties voting for Bauknight included Goliad (51.01%) and Victoria (50.84%).

With Louderback elected as the Republican Party nominee, he will face the Democrat Party nominee Stephanie R. Bassham in November.

All votes are considered unofficial until they have been canvassed.