September is Firefighter month

  • Photo by LuAnn Rogers
    Photo by LuAnn Rogers

Firefighters stand ready to respond and rescue should they be needed in the local community. The role of a firefighter is one of dedication, commitment, sacrifice and willingness to put their lives on the line for others.  Firefighters play an integral role in protecting the health and wellbeing of our community.  We appreciate the Moulton Fire Department and its members.  Thank you!

If you see any of these guys around town, please take a minute to thank them.

John Berckenhoff, Nathan Beyer, Barton Breauer, Cody Broussard, Chris Buehring, Jason Castro, Jay Castro, Slaid Darilek, Scott Filipp, Grant Geissen, Devin Jones, Shawn Jones, Kyle Koncaba, Chief Tim Koncaba, Dayton Mejias, Mark Mezik, Dwayne Michna, Ryan Pilat, Mike Ramirez, Trevor Richter, Wesley Rothbauer, Josh Schacherl, Benji Siegel, Kevin Tesch, Eugene Trejo and Mark Zimmerman.