
Storms, wind, rain part of May picture


A stormy May brought heavy rains, wind damage and severe weather warnings to the area on several occasions.

Storms on the 13th brought small hail, high winds over 50 mph, and frequent lightning.

Several trees lost limbs in town.

The month saw 3.90 inches fall on a dozen days, which brought the years total to 22.81 inches. All total the city is 5.75 inches above normal average. Rainfall records include 15.15 inches in 1914, and zero in 1963.

Temperatures in May ranged from 97 degrees on the 25th and a low of 65 degrees on the 15th. Daytime highs averaged 89.7 degrees (normal is 86), and lows settled at 73 degrees (normal is 66).

All-time temperature records for the month include a high of 102 degrees on May 18, 1925, and a low of 38 degrees on May 2, 1929.

Thunder was heard on 8 days and fog was seen on 14 mornings.


June should see drier, hotter conditions, along with a couple of days of hundred degrees or higher.