
YEDC gives grant to American Legion


By Clayton Kelley


The Yoakum Economic Corporation board approved a matching funds grant at the May 23 meeting.

The grant is going towards the Yoakum American Legion and is $5,872 with a 50% match.

The American Legion will be using these funds to build a four-inch concrete slab to mount the M157 Cannon donated to the City of Yoakum by V.F.W. Post 2456 in the year 2000.

“We’ll be implementing the foundation of the cannon,” American Legion Commander Gale Schneider said. “We’re renovating and refurbishing the old cannon that’s set out front by the police department. It’s a World War 2 cannon. It’s rusted, worn, weathered, and in bad shape. We want to have it restored as a monument to honor veterans, present and past, and especially those who gave their lives to this country.”

The cannon will be placed between the Yoakum Community Center and the Yoakum Police Department so it can be seen, according to Schneider.

This does fit into the YEDC’s strategic plan, according to Executive Director Genora Young.

“This fits into our strategic plan because it’s a quality-of-life issue,” Young said. “It falls under promotions and marketing and community improvement. It’s a point of pride for the community to recognize past and present military and actions supported by the military. When industries look at the community, they look at those types of things like what our values are as a community.”

At the meeting, YEDC opened a public hearing for this item on the agenda. No comments were made at the hearing. The grant will be rewarded once the project is complete.

The board also considered awarding funds not to exceed $5,000 for the Yoakum Oak Grove Cemetery Association. Board members tabled this item for a future meeting because no representatives were there to accept this award.

Other items on the agenda included:

• An update on YEDC’s new website was reported. They are currently in the process of building content for the website.

• Recently, Young attended a conference in Las Vegas to represent YEDC. That conference attracted a lot of buzz and was a success. YEDC also attended an Economic Summit in Cuero earlier in May. There were 115 people in attendance.

• There will be a “Keep Texas Beautiful” virtual conference beginning June 24. Businesses interested in attending this conference must register with Young.