Yoakum run-off election begins Saturday


By Clayton Kelley


The run-off election for the Yoakum City Council begins this Saturday, June 15.

Council approved the election at the May 14 City Council meeting. Those running include Place 4 candidates Mitchell Franz and Vanita Cheeves and Place 2 candidates Daniel Driskell and Jay Cassell.

The candidates for the Yoakum City Council are in the race because, in the last election, no one received 50% or more of the votes.

“Voting is a privilege we have been given and is an opportunity for us to express their opinions,” City of Yoakum Mayor Carl O’Neill said. “This is the highest turnout of votes we’ve had lately, but it’s still very low. Our turnout is less than 7% so I encourage everyone to go out to the polls and vote.”

O’Neill said council is ready for new ideas on the board. 

“New ideas are always welcome,” O’Neill said.

Registered Yoakum residents may cast their votes 7 a.m.-7 p.m. June 15 at the Yoakum City Hall, 808 U.S. Highway 77A South.