Court approves county road plan


The Lavaca County Commissioners’ Court met in a regular meeting Wednesday morning, May 29 and approved a county road plan that includes future paving of roads.

Due to Monday being Memorial Day and with Tuesday the primary election day that used the county courtroom for a polling site, the meeting was moved to Wednesday.

After 8 months of the precinct commissioners discussing plans to assist one another in working on county roads as well as sharing and purchasing equipment together to pave the roads, the court approved the plan.

After approving the county road plan document, the court approved the purchase of three types of equipment that would be shared by all four precincts. The equipment includes a 2,000 gallon asphalt distributor truck, a self-propelled chip spreader and a RGN low boy trailer.

Commissioner Kenny Siegel said he found two different companies that have the three pieces of equipment, which would be available in about 6 months. He said the total purchase price is $773 thousand and the court approved $800 thousand to be jointly purchased by the four precincts. The purchase price would be paid out of the next budget cycle.

“I commend you (commissioners) in working together on this matter,” Mudd said. “I know the community is going to rally around to do this because I hear this from time to time, and you hear it too, its roads, roads, roads. We have 871 miles of roads and they (community) want them in tip top shape”

Annual Financial Report:

The court approved the annual financial report presented by K M and L Certified Public Accountants representative Jenna Holter.

Holter complimented the county auditor’s office and Shana Opela for helping the audit go smoothly.

Holter said the report shows an unmodified opinion and no findings.

“It is a clean audit report,” Holter said.

Following Holter presenting the financial information, the court approved the audit report.

Public Health Report:

Texas State Department of Health Services Lavaca County field office representative Lauren Werner, RN, presented the annual public health report for the county.

Werner said the county health initiatives include:

• Serve on the School Health Advisory Council.

• Educate parents on over-heating prevention, handwashing, sun and water safety, pedestrian safety, and alcohol and substance abuse prevention.

• Provide immunizations to infants, children and adults.

• Assist schools, health care providers, and hospitals with immunizations, notifiable conditions, and disease reporting.

• Distribute, install, and inspect child car seats and provide education to parents and grandparents on the correct use.

• Participate in the South Central Texas Child Fatality Review team.

• Provide eduction on topics like safe sleep, breastfeeding, smoking during pregnancy.

Courthouse Boiler:

The court discussed the denial from the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation (TDLR) regarding the replacement of the boiler located in the basement of the courthouse.

The court requested Doug Kubicek to discuss the matter with the TDLR with hopes of deciding on a method to receive the department’s approval.


The court acknowledged Pepsico’s scheduling to pick up the Pepsi vending machine located at the courthouse.

The court recognized the Lavaca County Historical Commission in receiving the 2023 Distinguished Service Award from the Texas Historical Commission.

The court approved the appointment of Dr. Tim Wagner and Dr. Ralph Wagner as the local health authority in Lavaca County.

In other action taken by the court:

• Approved the resolution regarding the Operation Lone Star grant project.

• Approved certificates of exemption from subdivision requirements for Ryan Pope, and Robert and Maria Denney.

• Approved a KJZT Hallettsville, Moravia and St. Mary’s proclamations declaring June 14 as National Flag Day.

• Approved a Gulf Bend proclamation declaring May as Mental Health Month.

• Declare items from the County Clerk’s office as surplus property.

• Approved consent agenda items.

County Judge Keith Mudd presided over the meeting with commissioners Edward Pustka, Wayne Faircloth, Kenny Siegel and Dennis W. Kocian present for the meeting.