Court gives consent to LCRA for replacing new transmission line


The Lavaca County Commissioners’ Court met in a regular meeting Monday morning and approved consent to the Lower Colorado River Authority (LCRA) to replace a new transmission line.

According to a letter from LCRA, the request proposes to convert approximately 2.7 miles of existing electric distribution lines to a new single circuit electric transmission line located near the intersection of CR 166 and Highway 90A/77 to the existing Hallettsville City Substation.

The new 138-kV transmission line will replace two existing 12.5-kV electric distribution lines currently located within an existing 100-foot-wide easement on Lavaca County property.

The letter said although the engineering design is not complete, preliminary engineering analysis indicates that for the county property, 10 existing poles will be replaced with two electric transmission poles that are steel in structure.

The purpose of replacing the lines is part of LCRA’s goal to improve the reliability of the electric grid in the Hallettsville area.


The court approved to advertise bids for the purchase of road materials including seal coating and resealing, and gravel Post Oak pit run with red binder.

The bids are to be received by Lavaca County Auditor Shana Opela until 10:30 a.m. on Thursday, March 14. The bids will be opened and read aloud by County Judge Keith Mudd, or his designee in the Commissioners’ Courtroom on Thursday, March 14 at 10:45 a.m. and will be discussed and/or awarded at the Court’s regular meeting on Monday, March 25 at 10 a.m.

The court also approved advertising for the purchase of a new 2023 Ford F150 Super Crew 4x4 V6H pickup for Precinct 2.

The bids are to be received by Lavaca County Auditor Shana Opela until 10:45 a.m. on Thursday, March 14. The bids will be opened and read aloud by County Judge Keith Mudd, or his designee in the Commissioners’ Courtroom on Thursday, March 14 at 11 a.m. and will be discussed and/or awarded at the Court’s regular meeting on Monday, March 25 at 10 a.m.

Election Board Appointments:

The court acknowledged the appointment of members of the early voting ballot for the March 5 Republican and Democrat primaries.

The members include with the Republican Party Marie Day (presiding judge), Mary Lee Berger-Spaulding (alternate judge) and Kevin Myers (clerk). The Democrat Party members include Doug Kubicek (presiding judge), Ann Carr (alternate judge) and Nancy Obelgoner (clerk).

LCCAD Methods/ Assistance Program:

Lavaca County Central Appraisal District chief appraiser Pam Lathrop reported on the final results of the district’s methods and appraisal program.

Lathrop said in 2009 the Texas Legislature enacted a law that requires the Comptroller’s office to review appraisal district operations every two years.

She said the audit reviews governance, taxpayer assistance, operating procedures and the appraisal standards, procedures and methodology of the appraisal district.

Lathrop said this year’s audit was in regards to a property value study audit. She said they came in testing to see if that we’re appraising property at market value. She said based on all the studies performed, the 2023 final report reflected no recommendations for the LCCAD.

“All of us at the district strive daily to provide excellent customer service, to keep knowledgeable of new laws and regulations, and to keep updated on the most current appraisal standards, procedures and methodology required by law,” Lathrop said. “I compliment our staff and our board because if it wasn’t for them, we wouldn’t be able to do what we do.”

In other action taken by the court:

• Tabled any immediate network changes with TAC.

• Approved a division order between Baytex Energy and the county.

• Approved the Lavaca County Fire Association’s Mutual Aid agreement that was signed and dated Feb. 8, 2024 by all five VFDs in the county.

• Approved certificate of exemptions from subdivision requirements for Ervin and Bernice Neskora for property on CR 250 and CR 247.

• Discussed, but no action, on the Lavaca County Road Plan and Paving Agreement.

• Approved all consent agenda items.

County Judge Keith Mudd presided over the meeting with commissioners Edward Pustka, Wayne Faircloth, Kenny Siegel and Dennis W. Kocian present for the meeting.